Fort Anderson + Downtown Wilmington NC Engagement

Fort Anderson Wedding Photographer

I haven't been keeping up with my blog for a while and I'm working towards fixing that and pulling out the backlog of shoots that I've done over the course of 2017. But here's a great way to start 2018 :)

I had the privilege of photographing the wedding of one of my elementary school friends this past October. I'm not sure how to describe the happiness of seeing someone you've known on and off since before you were 10 years old, grow up and find love. It was awesome and I can't wait to share Elsie and Franks wedding. Fast-forward to now and what's happened as a result of me capturing that wedding I got to catch up with ANOTHER elementary school friend who I grew up with. And now I'm shooting her wedding! 

I feel that there's a lot I could say, and get pretty sappy, but the long and short of it is, I'm incredibly happy for my friends who have clearly found people who value and cherish them and maybe equal them in goofiness when appropriate 😂

Fort Anderson Wedding Photographer
Downtown Wilmington Wedding Photos